
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Intro to Guatemala Trip

Within the last year, I have grown tremendously in maturity, in my school work, in my relationships with loved ones, and most importantly in my faith which connects all of those things together. The Lord told me, through lots of fasting and prayer, that I was meant for something that extends beyond the boundaries of the United States. I was to go where no one in my family had gone before. I was to participate in missions overseas. Now, at first, I thought this was crazy. I have barely been outside the state of Florida, and I don't have the finances to travel overseas. But that didn't concern Jesus. I discovered a deep-seated interest in medicine, so I changed my major to nursing, so I could do medical mission work in third world countries. It was a lot easier to tell my dad that I had a secure job to fall back on (although he loves the idea of nursing, he can't stand the idea of me leaving the country so often...but who can blame him? It's a scary thing, especially in the world we live in. Always). Anyway, so I change my major and I join the Wesley Foundation (a campus ministry) which changed my life like no other. I learned something new every single day and this ministry provided me with knowledge, comfort, and a family away from home that I could call my own.

So, I got involved, and What was the first thing I do to get involved? GO ON A MISSION TRIP OVERSEAS WITH A GROUP OF PEOPLE I BARELY KNEW!! I'm telling you, faith takes you to some scary places! The Lord never promised His journey was going to be safe, but oh man, He promised it was going to be good!! So, we left to Guatemala in March (Spring Break) 2009 to build a home for a widow who lost her husband in the 30 year civil war. My heart remains there, needless to say. One day I will go back. I won't have closure until I do. But until then, all I can do is cherish the lessons I learned, the relationships I've made and maintain a joyous hope for this world.

Here is some info about the 3o year civil war/genocide that went on in Guatemala until the mid 1990's. The country is under a corrupt government, and the poverty level is astounding. We were called to spread love in a fearful land, and that love trickled back into our land when we were not looking ;-).

The following posts are journal entries I wrote each day I was in Guatemala. They are the experiences I encountered, feelings I felt, foods I tasted, smells I smelt, and the lives that were changed simultaneously. Join me. You will be really glad you did!

Love always,
Sabrina Q.

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