
Friday, May 14, 2010

Travel Day And the Wonders of His Majesty

Day One: Travel 3/7/09
3 hours of sleep, 8:35am flight to Miami, 3 hour layover and boarding a plane in Miami later… we’re flying to Guatemala! Dad, Titi, Chrystal and Kevin all got to see me last night. The car ride to Orlando took three extra hours due to traffic back up on the lovely I-10 and the fact that we got lost 3 times in ORLANDO! But so far, this experience has been absolutely amazing! I’m in seat 23E right next to Vance and Mike =D. Since I’m the only ethnic one in my whole group, they all think it’s cool to ask me how to say different things in Spanish. I sure hope I’m right, and if not, then we’re ALL going to make fools of ourselves! I can hear them now, “Those crazy Americans!” Flying over the ocean is a beautiful thing I wish everyone could experience. I’m already beginning to see God’s awesome creation right before my eyes! The water is crystal clear with lush little green islands dotting the ocean. The clouds are like a protective barrier between us and a watery world. I’m exhausted but I don’t want to miss one second! Overseas! Can you imagine?! I hope to enclose a picture of a “bird’s eye view” of Orlando and Miami in comparison to Guatemala City. I can’t wait to see the difference. Once we land, we will be taking a bus to ChiChi (Atítlan). This is no greyhound, though, this is a Chicken bus! Yes, on this wagon they sell chickens who will be my co-passengers for nearly 4-hours! I’m so ready! Sorry about that side note. Back to God’s mystery. The picture I just took is absolutely mesmerizing. You can’t tell where the ocean ends and the sky begins. You know, I think that’s how our Creator wanted it to be. Yes He made distinctions between earth and sky, but the ultimate goal was for it all to work together. Jesus, the Lion and the Lamb were meant to live in harmony. The Word and Flesh were meant to be together, that’s why we have Jesus. He was the only human to show us what it’s like to live fully in a relationship with God. Yes he was fully both, but when he performed miracles, he wasn’t tapping into His Holy power. He was tapping into God’s. He was FULLY HUMAN when he made the blind see and the lame walk, therefore we can do it too!! Be unified with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit just as the sea and sky are one. Together they are endlessly majestic and awe-inspiring. They, we, are one.
<3 Sabie Q.

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