
Friday, May 14, 2010

The Night Before Departure

Guatemala Journal Entry
3/06/09 12:09AM
The Night before departure
It’s the night before we leave to Orlando. It’s really starting to hit me that in 15 hours we will be heading to Orlando. Dad’s going to meet me there to pick up my laptop. I can’t wait to see him!!! Titi is going to come also =D. I don’t know if I can see Kevin before I leave because he has MPA(band competition). What scared me the most is that I won’t be able to talk to my family at all while I’m out here. I mean, I’ve done it before, but because we were required to on a retreat, not because there was little communication with the outside world. So, this is going to be my form of communication with the world. All my prayers, thoughts, feelings and experiences will be written down in here. So, for those that have a heart for missions, I bid you to live vicariously through me. Laugh with me, cry with me and watch first hand as God moves mountains.
I have high hopes for this trip. Not that I’m expecting to see the lame walk and the deaf hear. But I know I will come out of this entire experience changed. I, as an American, have been blinded by the greed of western culture and my God will give me His eyes to see. I will be forced to turn my eyes from the latest fashion and see a culture of vibrant color. I will be ripped from the grasp of Ronald McDonald and invited in for a home cooked, heartfelt meal. The music of the people will resonate God’s love song for me. You see, I’m not going there and expecting a huge change, I simply take joy in the fact that I can see what is. I want to see an oppressed people lift their hands in worship. Real worship. The kind you would die for. I long to hear the name of Yahweh spoken in a new tongue but felt in the hearts of us all. I want to be a light in a world of darkness and further illuminate the work of His mighty hands that we so often fail to see. I’m ready to look past poverty guidelines and experience the spiritual riches waiting for us all. So God, take me. Mold me. Use me. Make me your hands and feet as we walk together into this wonderfully fearful land. I’m ready. We’re ready. Master, your people are waiting.
<3 Sabie Q.
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
Matthew 28:19-20

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